RE05 Mileage Regulation
- Check board and make sure everyone is tied up from the previous date.
- Check board inquiry for WX510 RE05 ENG display by Blue Print hit CTRL F. Search for UNA (unassigned turns) and MU (make up turns).
- Go to bottom of board inquiry and get number of turns exclude the unassigned and make up turns.
- Go to Pool Maintenance then mileage inquiry date range 7 days from previous day WX510-RE05 dropdown is ENG and TYPE is Summary.
- Hit Online Print and get basic miles.
Equation basic miles divided by 7 multiplied by 30 (days in a month) divided by current numbers of turns. Number should be between 3500-3800
Example 30801 total miles divided by 7 days X 30 day month divided by 34 turns = 3882